Akashic Records Reading


This is Soul Level information!! We delve deep into your specific Divine Soul Blueprint. We look at and understand your divine gifts. I assist you in obtaining information using modalities such as the Akashic Records to clear away blocks and restrictions created in this lifetime and past lifetimes so you can create the ultimate human experience of abundance you were destined for! This is very intensive and chock full of information and healing!

Learn about:

  • Soul Gifts –  What gifts your soul has through every lifetime – this never changes!
  • Where you originated from/to –  this is like if you grew up in the midwest – your soul has characteristics of where you went to the first time you became a soul – it’s not always earth!
  • Soul specialty –  what your soul has learned and is good at, in between incarnations
  • Primary life lesson –  what your primary lesson is to learn in this lifetime
  • How many guides you have – this is important! It helps you know that you have support!
  • If you have blocks that need to be cleared –  what patterns and karma you have that is holding you back from achieving your goals and desires
  • and so much more!

This level reading is done virtually. I send a report and audio recording of your information.

For a live session with extensive healing and clearing, see my Akashic Records and Soul ReAlignment!




