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Users can visit the site without revealing any information about themselves. If one chooses to give us personal information via the Internet for the purposes of correspondence, handling a consultation, registering for a program, purchasing products or subscribing to e-information, then it is our intent to let you know how we will use such information.

If users tell us that they do not wish to have this information used as a basis for further contact, we will respect those wishes.

GenaZittlow.com takes precautions to keep disclosed user information secure, and such information will not be disclosed to third parties for commercial purposes. To prevent unauthorized access, maintain data accuracy, and to ensure the appropriate use of information, we have put in place appropriate physical, electronic, and managerial procedures to safeguard and secure the information we collect.

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All materials contained on this web site are Copyright ©2020 GenaZittlow.com are licensed or otherwise published by GenaZittlow.com with the permission of the owner of the material. All rights in such materials are reserved to the respective owners.

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GenaZittlow.com reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to review, edit, or delete any material posted by users that GenaZittlow.com for any reason whatsoever determines may be harmful, defamatory, unlawful, threatening, obscene, lewd, lascivious, harassing, potentially in violation of any party’s rights, or otherwise objectionable.

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